Instructor: Þröstur Þorsteinsson
Please note that lecture note more than 1 week ahead may be modified during the semester.

1. Course outline
Outline (pdf 102 kB)

2. Distribution of ice, Paterson Chapter 1
Thorsteinsson: INTRODUCTION (pdf 227 kB).

3. Mass balance, Paterson Chapter 3
Thorsteinsson: MASS BALANCE (pdf 222 kB).

4. Snow to ice transformation Paterson Chapter 2
Thorsteinsson: SNOW2ICE (pdf 191 kB), slides (1.9 MB).

5. Heat budget (radiation) Paterson Chapter 4
Thorsteinsson: RADIATION (pdf 390 KB), slides (1.7 MB).

6. Milankovitch cycles and Climate
Thorsteinsson: CLIMATE (pdf 173 KB), slides (2.6 MB).

7. Ice Cores
Thorsteinsson: ICE CORE DATA (pdf 223 KB), slides (2 MB)

8. Distribution of temperature in glaciers Paterson Chapter 10.
Thorsteinsson: TEMPERATURE (pdf 308 kb)

9. Flow features Paterson Chapter 9.
Thorsteinsson: FLOW FEATURES (pdf 371 kb)

10. Glacier hydrology Paterson Chapter 6.
Thorsteinsson: HYDROLOGY (pdf 778 kb)

11. Jokulhlaup
Thorsteinsson: JÖKULHLAUP (pdf 367 kb), slides (2.5 MB)

12. Deformation of ice Paterson Chapter 5.
Thorsteinsson: DEFORMATION (pdf 186 kb)

13. Flow of ice Paterson Chapter 5.
Thorsteinsson: FLOW (pdf 167 kb)

14. Sliding, till deformation Paterson Chapters 7 and 8.
Thorsteinsson: SLIDING (pdf 258 kb)

15. Response time and Time scales Paterson Chapter

  • Jan 26: Select project topic - at the latest.
  • Feb 28: Mid-term exam.
  • March: Hand in projects week before presentation !
  • April 4 - 10: Easter holiday.
  • April 20: Last day of teaching.
  • May 7: Final exam 13:30 - 16:30.
  • May 11-12: Field trip.


Group 1 - 4:
19 Jan, 2 Feb, 16 Feb, 1 Mar, 15 Mar.
Group 5 - 8: 26 Jan, 9 Feb, 23 Feb, 8 Mar, 22 Mar.

Grading table

Topic   Date
Group 1:
Morphology of glaciers 7,7 (notes / slides)
1) Arnau Tort Garcia, 
2) Bethany J Kuwitzky, 
3) Árni Stefán Haldorsen
29 Mar
Group 2:
Glaciers as a utility resource in the World - hydro power and consumption 9,2 (notes)
1) Bryce Andrew Malton,
2) Claudia Czopak,
3) Emilia Myllys,
4) Francis Tremblay,
5) Daniel Bleau
12 Apr
Group 3:
Life in ice 7,7 (notes)
1) Collin Blake Armfield,
2) Emily Shannon Anderson,
3) Lauren Nicole Pietrek,
4) Celine Salaviale
3 Apr
Group 4:
Laurentide ice sheet 7,9 (notes)
1) Emily Victoria Goel,
2) Frímann Ingvarsson,
3) Gauti Trygvason Eliassen
4) Gabriel Montpetit,
5) Jean-François Hébert,
6) William Neal
3 Apr
Group 5:
Mountain glaciers 7,8 (notes / slides)
1) James Alexander Clayton,
2) Josianne Lalande,
3) Marcus Arnold
29 Mar
Group 6:
Snowball Earth 7,3 (notes)
1) Johannes Reinthaler,
2) Laura Helen Warren,
3) Lisa Caroline Brombacher,
4) Markus Andreas Koeppel
12 Apr
Group 7:
Surging glaciers 8,4 (notes)
1) Loretta Marie Visintin,
2) Monika Dragosics,
3) Samuel Edward Tizzard,
4) Thaddäus Tiedje,
5) Maud Laurin
17 Apr
Group 8:
Glaciers in Iceland 8,3 (notes)
1) Sanna Kristiina Makkonen,
2) Vanessa Marion Comeau,
3) Shannon Cox,
4) Vinay Kumar
17 Apr


Other material
    Problems session / Homework:
  1. Distribution
  2. Mass balance
  3. Snow to ice problems
    - to find types of snowflake
    - density profile (excel)
  4. Radiation
  5. Ice cores - Vostok deuterium, Orbital parameters (excel)
  6. Temperature (see lecture notes)
  7. Hydrology
  8. Jökulhlaup (see lectures)
  9. Flow features (see lectures)
  10. Deformation (see lectures)
  11. Flow

Interesting links

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