Sustainable Energy Options
UAU212F (6e) Spring.
Schedule / Topics
Week 1. 8 – 10 Jan.
W: Introduction.
F: Physics review; Energy & heat, units.
Week 2. 15 - 17 Jan.
W: Current energy use. Global overview. Iceland. Students present additional information.
F: Project Future
energy need.
3. 20 - 24 Jan.
W: Environmental impact. Pollution. Environmental assessment. LCA. Students present additional information.
F: Project Pollution.
Week 4. 29 Jan - 31 Jan.
W: Wind energy. Students present additional information.
F: Geothermal energy. Students present additional information. | ( F: Guest lecture: Wind energy. Landsvirkjun.)
Week 5. 5 - 7 Feb.
W: Biofuels. Students present additional information.
F: Project Food vs. Fuel.
Week 6. 12 - 14 Feb.
W: Economic evaluation. Cost benefit in context of energy options.
F: Project Cost and changes in cost for different energy resources.
Week 7. 19 - 21 Feb.
W: Ocean energy. Students present additional information.
F: Guest lecture: Valorka.
Week 8. 26 Feb - 28 Feb.
W: Solar energy. Students present
additional information.
F: Project Land area.
Week 9. 5 - 7 Mar.
W: Other energy sources. Nuclear. Students present additional information.
F: More efficient energy/fossil fuel use. Students present additional information.
Week 10. 10 - 14 Mar.
W: Social dimensions of energy transitions.
Students present additional information.
F: Project Socity and electricity.
Week 11. 19 - 21 Mar.
W: Quiz.
F: Project Ownership of energy production and distribution.
Week 12. 26 - 28 Mar. Easter holiday.
W: Summary of options. Students present additional information.
F: Project Climate change and energy need.
Week 13. 2 - 4 Apr.
W: Hydropower. Students present additional information.
F: Student presentations.
Week 14. 9 - 11 Apr.
W and F: Student presentations.
Groups, lecture slides and more
See UI Ugla for the course.
News, studies, reports post to Google group, web site:
Meeting times: Wednesday 10 – 11:30 in N-120 and Friday 8:20 – 9:50 in N-129.
Reading material and resources
World Energy Assessment
Statistical Review of World Energy 2011
Key World Energy Statistics.
(2011). Special Report on
Renewable Energy Sources and Climate Change Mitigation.