Sustainable Energy Options
UAU212F (6e) Spring.

Schedule / Topics

Week 1. 8 – 10 Jan.
W: Introduction.
F: Physics review; Energy & heat, units.

Week 2. 15 - 17 Jan.
W: Current energy use. Global overview. Iceland. Students present additional information.
F: Project Future energy need.

Week 3. 20 - 24 Jan.
W: Environmental impact. Pollution. Environmental assessment. LCA. Students present additional information.
F: Project Pollution.

Week 4. 29 Jan - 31 Jan.
W: Wind energy. Students present additional information.
F: Geothermal energy. Students present additional information. | ( F: Guest lecture: Wind energy. Landsvirkjun.)

Week 5. 5 - 7 Feb.
W: Biofuels. Students present additional information.
F: Project Food vs. Fuel.

Week 6. 12 - 14 Feb.
W: Economic evaluation. Cost benefit in context of energy options.
F: Project Cost and changes in cost for different energy resources.

Week 7. 19 - 21 Feb.
W: Ocean energy. Students present additional information.
F: Guest lecture: Valorka.

Week 8. 26 Feb - 28 Feb.
W: Solar energy. Students present additional information.
F: Project Land area.

Week 9. 5 - 7 Mar.
W: Other energy sources. Nuclear. Students present additional information.
F: More efficient energy/fossil fuel use. Students present additional information.

Week 10. 10 - 14 Mar.
W: Social dimensions of energy transitions. Students present additional information.
F: Project Socity and electricity.

Week 11. 19 - 21 Mar.
W: Quiz.
F: Project Ownership of energy production and distribution.

Week 12. 26 - 28 Mar. Easter holiday.
W: Summary of options. Students present additional information.
F: Project Climate change and energy need.

Week 13. 2 - 4 Apr.
W: Hydropower. Students present additional information.
F: Student presentations.

Week 14. 9 - 11 Apr.
W and F: Student presentations.

Groups, lecture slides and more

See UI Ugla for the course.
News, studies, reports post to Google group, web site:
Meeting times: Wednesday 10 – 11:30 in N-120 and Friday 8:20 – 9:50 in N-129.

Reading material and resources

9780262201537 Bóksalan, Amazon

World Energy Assessment (WEA).

Statistical Review of World Energy 2011 (BP).

IEA (2011). Key World Energy Statistics.

IPCC (2011). Special Report on Renewable Energy Sources and Climate Change Mitigation.